Cornerstone Leadership

Elders, Deacons, and Ministry Leaders

Tony Hall
Lead Pastor & Elder

Tony has served at Cornerstone since 2005. His primary areas of leadership are preaching and leading worship.



  • Andy Cudney

    Type content here...

  • Chris Rule

    Type content here...

  • Ryan Westenbarger

    Type content here...


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  • Dave Crandall

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  • Joe McComb

    Type the content for this list item here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this list item. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.

Ministry Leaders

  • Ryan Westenbarger

    Prayer & Missions

  • Susan Wickensimer


  • Amanda, Julie, Caressa

    Women's Ministry

  • Andy Cudney

    Men's Ministry

  • Chris & Angie Ludwig, Emily Champion, Coleman Ulry, Sydney and Avery McNeil

    High School Youth Group

  • Brandon & Jess Bullock, Mike & Betsey Linder

    Middle School Youth Group

  • Kate McComb

    Pre-K & Elementary Kids' Ministry

  • Chris Rule


  • Samantha Crick

    Moms' Group