Our Vision

We are privileged to support missionaries and local cross-cultural ministries at Cornerstone. We believe that an important aspect of a local church is taking the gospel to people of other cultures both locally and globally. 

Global & Domestic Missionaries

  • Emma & Will Ferguson

    The Ferguson family has begun support raising for missions work in Yamanashi Japan!

    To follow along on their journey and learn more, follow them on instagram, and to give to their ministry, use this link!

  • Graham Albright

    Graham is the campus director for Campus Outreach at Florida Southern College. Campus Outreach (CO)  builds laborers on the campus for the lost world. Staff members will meet with students on campus who may not have grown up in the church, share the Gospel with them,  and establish and equip them in the faith to be disciple-makers themselves. Graham has worked with the team in Central Florida since 2018. Learn more here.

  • Franco & Luisa Bosio

    Franco and Luisa have been serving as the National Director for Agape Italia since June of 2010.  They shepherd the  movement of staff and volunteers as they proclaim the good news of Jesus to students, families, and those on the margins of society.   They also lead the ministry of Family Life in Italy to see God changing lives and marriages throughout Italy through Bible Studies, conferences, and other events.  Learn more about their ministry here.

  • Missionaries in Southeast Asia

    We support a missionary in South East Asia who is actively involved with unreached people. Security reasons prevent us from posting more information here.

Local Outreach

  • LifeWise Academy - Westerville

    LifeWise Westerville brings Bible education to public school students during school hours. Cornerstone hosts LifeWise students from Hanby Elementary every Wednesday.

    Volunteers, bus drivers, prayer supporters and teachers are desired to help facilitate this remarkable opportunity to share the gospel of Jesus with unchurched students. For more information, please feel free to talk with Karen Huling or visit their website here. 

  • PDHC

    Pregnancy Decision Health Centers is seeking  staff and volunteers to serve in continuing their vision to impact generations for Christ through a legacy of life. Please reach out to Malorie Coffman or Trish Westenbarger to hear about their experience volunteering with PDHC. 

  • WARM

    Each month, WARM will share their most needed items that you can donate. You can drop off items at Cornerstone and we'll take care of getting the donations to WARM!

    To see their most updated list, please visit their website here.

  • International Friendships

    International Friendships, Inc. is a Christian ministry that seeks to promote friendship and hospitality for international students on the campus at Ohio State University. International Friendship’s purpose is to befriend, evangelize, disciple and train internationals so that in the future they will be laborers for Christ in their countries.

    To learn more, please contact Kevin Smith. or  visit ifipartners.org